
日期:2008-10-27        来源:


index of silicon valley 


Highlights among the sections in this year’s 64-page Index were:

People: Silicon Valley’s population grew 1.5 percent in 2007, with a net increase over 2006 of 38,000 people – the third consecutive year of increasing population growth rates. Together, 35 percent of San Mateo County and Santa Clara County residents are foreign-born and almost half the population in those counties – 48 percent – speaks a language other than English at home.

Economy: Silicon Valley gained 28,000 jobs, a faster growth rate than California or U.S. overall. Venture capital investment was up nearly 11 percent, with the valley receiving 62 percent of the clean tech VC dollars in the state.

Society: Disparities in health and education continue by race and ethnic groups. High school graduation rates dropped and juvenile offenses increased slightly. Child immunizations rates are not improving. Arts organizations in the region are growing in number with decreasing funding.

Place: Water consumption dropped 6 percent, solar and wind systems installations were up 21 percent, transit ridership was up 3.4 percent and Silicon Valley is home to 11 percent of all hybrid vehicles registered in California. The share of new housing approved near transit rose to 55 percent. Foreclosure rates jumped four times over 2006, rents are up 7 percent.

Governance: Nonprofits continue to grow and voters are increasingly independent, with 23 percent of the valley’s registered voters having no party affiliation. City revenues rose 37 percent mainly due to property taxes. Although the region accounts for roughly 7 percent of the state’s population, Silicon Valley


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